MediaWiki API help

This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.

Documentation and examples:


(main | translationstats)
  • Questo modulo richiede i diritti di lettura.
  • Fonte: Traduci
  • Licenza: GPL-2.0-or-later

Fetch translation statistics

Parametri specifici:
Sono disponibili altri parametri generali.

Type of statistics being requested

This parameter is required.
Uno dei seguenti valori: edits, registrations, reviewers, reviews, users

Number of days to fetch statistics for

This parameter is required.
Type: integer
The value must be between 1 and 10 000.
Default: 30

List of groups to fetch statistics for.

Separa i valori con | o alternativa.
Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).

List of languages to fetch statistics for.

Separa i valori con | o alternativa.
Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).

Scale of the translation statistics

Uno dei seguenti valori: days, hours, months, weeks, years
Default: days

Starting date from which to fetch translation statistics. Defaults to current date minus the number of days.

Tipo: timestamp (formati consentiti)
Fetch edit count for the last 30 days, for all groups and languages
api.php?action=translationstats&count=edits&days=30 [apri in una sandbox]
Fetch edit count for the last 30 days, for languages English and French.
api.php?action=translationstats&count=edits&days=30&language=en|fr [apri in una sandbox]