MediaWiki:BibleGet.js: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 9:
console.log("There are " + $('.bibleQuoteRef').length + " bible quotes on this page");
let $spanel = $(this);
let version = $(this).attr('data-version');
let ref = $(this).attr('data-ref');
let inline = ($(this).attr('data-inline') == "true");
console.log("data-ref = " + ref + " data-inline = " + inline);
//we already have an instance of this bible quote, avoid creating new div
Line 18 ⟶ 20:
//however since the ajax calls are asynchronous, we probably won't have the actual div at the bottom of the page yet
//so let's look for it inside the mouseover event
$spanel.on('mouseenter', function(){
let $bGetTIP = $("div[data-version='"+version+"'][data-ref='"+ref+"']");
console.log('I found ' + $bGetTIP.length + ' div(s) at the bottom of the page with this bible quote');
let top = $spanel.offset().top;
let left = $spanel.offset().left + $spanel.outerWidth() + 15;
if($bGetTIP.hasClass('sticky') || $':offscreen') ){
console.log('This element would have been offscreen!');
//how far off the bottom of the screen are we?
let rect = $bGetTIP[0].getBoundingClientRect();
let excessHeight = (rect.y + rect.height) - window.innerHeight;
let excessWidth = (rect.x + rect.width) - window.innerWidth;
//if this amount is less than the distance from the top of the screen,
// then let's just move our div up by that much
if(excessWidth > 0 && excessWidth < rect.x){
console.log('This element was off the right hand side of the screen');
let newLeft;
if($span.offset().left > rect.width){
newLeft = $span.offset().left - rect.width;
} else {
newLeft = $span.offset().left - rect.width / 2; //center it on the span as a last resort!
if(excessHeight > 0 && excessHeight < rect.y){
console.log('This element was off the bottom of the screen');
let newTop = top - excessHeight;
} else if (excessHeight > rect.y){
//distance of the top of the current window from the top of the document
let newTop = (window.pageYOffset || (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop) + 20;
if(excessHeight > 0 && excessHeight < rect.y){
console.log('This element was off the bottom of the screen');
let newTop = top - excessHeight;
$el.on('mousemove', function(){
} else if (excessHeight > rect.y){
let top = $bGetTIPspan.addClassoffset('sticky').top;
let left = $span.offset().left + $span.outerWidth();
$el.on('mouseleave', function(){
//distance of the top of the current window from the top of the document
let $bGetTIP = $("div[data-version='"+version+"'][data-ref='"+ref+"']");
let newTop = (window.pageYOffset || (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop) + 20;
//console.log('I found ' + $bGetTIP.length + ' div(s) at the bottom of the page with this bible quote');
if(!$bGetTIP.hasClass('sticky') ){
} else {
//if it's not inline we do have to deal with it again
method: 'POST',
url: '../w/bgetHelper.php',
data: {
"version": version,
"ref": ref
success: function(data){
$el.append($('<p>',{"text": " — powered by BibleGet I/O","css":{"font-size":".9em","text-align":"right","font-style":"italic","font-weight":"bold","color":"gray"}}));
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
console.log("There was an error while trying to communicate with the BibleGet server:")
console.log(errorThrown + ' ' + textStatus + ': ' + jqXHR.responseText);
}); //END ajax
$span.on('mousemove', function(){
let top = $span.offset().top;
let left = $span.offset().left + $span.outerWidth();
$span.on('mouseleave', function(){
let $bGetTIP = $("div[data-version='"+version+"'][data-ref='"+ref+"']");
//console.log('I found ' + $bGetTIP.length + ' div(s) at the bottom of the page with this bible quote');
if(!$bGetTIP.hasClass('sticky') ){
} else {
Line 95 ⟶ 120:
let $bGetTIP = $if('<div>', inline){
"class":let "bibleGetQuote"$bGetTIP = $('<div>', {
"data-versionclass": version"bibleGetQuote",
"data-refversion": refversion,
"htmldata-ref": data.htmlref,
}); "html": data.html
$bGetTIP.append($('<p>',{"text": " — powered by BibleGet I/O","css":{"font-size":".9em","text-align":"right","font-style":"italic","font-weight":"bold","color":"gray"}}));
$bGetTIP.append($('<p>',{"text": " — powered by BibleGet I/O","css":{"font-size":".9em","text-align":"right","font-style":"italic","font-weight":"bold","color":"gray"}}));
BibleQuotesDomElements //$('body').pushappend($bGetTIP);
$span.on('mouseenter', function(){
$bGetTIPel.removeClasson('hiddenmouseenter', function();{
let top = $spanbGetTIP.offsetremoveClass('hidden').top;
let lefttop = $spanel.offset().left + $span.outerWidth() + 15top;
let left = $bGetTIPel.cssoffset({"top":top,").left":left} + $el.outerWidth() + 15;
if( $bGetTIP.hasClasscss('sticky') || $'{"top":offscreen'top,"left":left}) ){;
if($bGetTIP.hasClass('sticky') || $':offscreen') ){
//are we off the bottom or the right side of the screen, and how much?
//are we off the bottom or the right side of the screen, and how much?
let rect = $bGetTIP[0].getBoundingClientRect();
let rect = $bGetTIP[0].getBoundingClientRect();
let excessHeight = (rect.y + rect.height) - window.innerHeight;
let excessWidthexcessHeight = (rect.xy + rect.widthheight) - window.innerWidthinnerHeight;
let excessWidth = (rect.x + rect.width) - window.innerWidth;
//if this amount is less than the distance from the top of the screen,
// then let's just move our div up by that much
if(excessHeightexcessWidth > 0 && excessHeightexcessWidth < rect.yx){
console.log('This element was off the bottomright hand side of the screen');
let newTop = top - excessHeightnewLeft;
if($bGetTIPspan.cssoffset({"top":newTop});.left > rect.width){
} newLeft else if= $span.offset(excessHeight).left >=- rect.y){width;
$bGetTIP.addClass('sticky'); } else {
newLeft = $span.offset().left - rect.width / 2; //center it on the span as a last resort!
$bGetTIP.on('click','.closeButton',function(){ }
}if(excessHeight > 0 && excessHeight < rect.y);{
//distance console.log('This of the top of the currentelement windowwas fromoff the topbottom of the documentscreen');
let newTop = (window.pageYOffsettop ||- (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop) + 20excessHeight;
} else if (excessHeight >= rect.y){
if(excessWidth > 0 && excessWidth < rect.x){
console.log('This element was off the right hand side of the screen');
let newLeft; $bGetTIP.on('click','.closeButton',function(){
if( $spanbGetTIP.offsetaddClass('hidden').left > rect.width){;
newLeft = $spanbGetTIP.offsetcss({"top":'',"left":''}).left - rect.width;
} else {);
newLeft//distance =of $span.offset().leftthe -top rect.widthof /the 2;current //centerwindow it onfrom the spantop asof a lastthe resort!document
let newTop = (window.pageYOffset || (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop) + 20;
$el.on('mousemove', function(){
let top = $span.on('mousemove', functionoffset(){.top;
let topleft = $span.offset().topleft + $span.outerWidth();
let left = $spanbGetTIP.offsetcss().{"top":top,"left + $span.outerWidth(":left});
}); */
$el.on('mouseleave', function(){
if(!$spanbGetTIP.onhasClass('mouseleavesticky',) function(){
if setTimeout(!$bGetTIP.hasClassfunction('sticky'){ ){
setTimeout(function $bGetTIP.addClass('hidden'){ ;
}); else {
$el.append($('<p>',{"text": " — powered by BibleGet I/O","css":{"font-size":".9em","text-align":"right","font-style":"italic","font-weight":"bold","color":"gray"}}));
//console.log("Injected Bible quote for ref = " + ref + " with value obtained from BibleGet service:");