Risultati della ricerca

  • end table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, ISBN } ); else table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, link_id( handler ) } ); end end table.sort(...
    67 KB (8 186 parole) - 13:04, 30 ott 2022
  • category if #modules < 1 then cats[#cats + 1] = 'Lua templates with errors' end -- Lua templates category titleObj = titleObj or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()...
    4 KB (479 parole) - 15:19, 26 ott 2022
  • contains wrapper templates used with the module, and their -- default arguments. Templates specified in this table should contain the -- following invocation,...
    45 KB (5 039 parole) - 15:19, 26 ott 2022
  • return list end local function isTable(t) return type(t) == "table" end local function copy(x) if type(x) == "table" then local result = {} for key...
    39 KB (5 085 parole) - 21:55, 29 ago 2020
  • mplate:Graphs.tab --> -- | source-table <!-- uses a translation message with id = "source-table" --> -- | param1 }} ...
    6 KB (831 parole) - 21:55, 29 ago 2020
  • name, count in pairs(data) do table.insert(list, {mw.title.new(name, "Template").fullText, count}) end end table.sort(list, function(a, b) return...
    2 KB (316 parole) - 15:19, 26 ott 2022
  • articles. It -- -- implements the {{hatnote}} and {{format link}} meta-templates and includes -- -- helper functions for other Lua hatnote modules. ...
    9 KB (1 033 parole) - 03:47, 20 ago 2020
  • checkType local p = {} function p._main(args) checkType('_main', 1, args, 'table') -- This is basically libraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg, but we are rolling...
    2 KB (363 parole) - 17:03, 19 ago 2020
  • row table.insert(forTable, forRow) until terminated or i > maxArg return forTable end -- Stringifies a table as formatted by forSeeArgsToTable function...
    7 KB (899 parole) - 03:47, 20 ago 2020
  • then table.insert(data.classes, 'hlist hlist-separated') elseif listType == 'unbulleted' then table.insert(data.classes, 'plainlist') end table.insert(data...
    5 KB (756 parole) - 15:19, 26 ott 2022
  • highest priority, so move that to the end of the table -- instead. --]] table.insert(order, table.remove(order, self.reason and cfg.reasonsWithNamespacePriority[self...
    25 KB (3 007 parole) - 15:19, 26 ott 2022
  • local issues = {} table.insert(issues, sect) table.insert(issues, issue) table.insert(issues, text) self.issue = table.concat(issues, ' ') ...
    18 KB (2 367 parole) - 15:19, 26 ott 2022
  • Gets a message from the cfg table and formats it if appropriate. -- The function raises an error if the value from the cfg table is not -- of the type expectType...
    34 KB (3 996 parole) - 15:19, 26 ott 2022
  • not n or (n < 32 and n ~= 9 and n ~= 10) then table.insert(bad, tostring(v)) else table.insert(codes, math.floor(n)) end end if...
    23 KB (2 422 parole) - 15:19, 26 ott 2022
  • Template:Round corners (categoria Table templates)
    used to produce rounded corners for tables. Just embed it in any <div>, <table>, etc. <div style="background:#ffff66;padding:0.5em 1.0em;{{round corners}}">''Lorem...
    220 byte (78 parole) - 03:49, 20 ago 2020
  • end table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, ISBN } ); else table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, link_id( handler ) } ); end end table.sort(...
    67 KB (8 166 parole) - 18:07, 15 set 2020
  • extraPopupFilters=[]; // definisce la funzione function popupFilterHtmlTable (wikiText) { if (/<table/i.test(wikiText)) return '&amp;lt;tabella&amp;gt;'; else return...
    11 KB (1 205 parole) - 22:52, 30 ago 2020
  • Template:Namespace detect (categoria Lua-based templates)
    to use wikitables as parameters to templates. Instead, the usual solution is to use "HTML wikimarkup" for the table code, which is more robust. For more...
    173 byte (756 parole) - 15:19, 26 ott 2022
  • parse_table() { endl(f('<table>', $(/^\{\|( .*)$/)? $r[1]: '')); for (;remain();) if ($('|')) switch (_(1)) { case '}': endl('</table>'); ...
    232 KB (29 025 parole) - 09:11, 14 set 2020
  • to use wikitables as parameters to templates. Instead, the usual solution is to use "HTML wikimarkup" for the table code, which is more robust. For more...
    6 KB (716 parole) - 15:19, 26 ott 2022