
Da Semi del Verbo, l'enciclopedia dell'influenza del Vangelo sulla cultura

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 * Similar titles
 * When creating a new page, it shows a list of similar titles, to avoid duplicates.
 * @author [[w:it:Utente:Valerio Bozzolan]] and contributors
 * @license [[GNU GPL v3+]] or [[CC BY SA 4.0]] at your opinion

window.similarTitlesOpts = {
	// Where to put the tip
	container:     '#contenitore-titoli-simili', // Vedi [[Template:Pagina inesistente]]

	// Header of the tip
	preContainer:  "<p><b>Verifica però che le seguenti voci non siano quello che stavi cercando:</b></p>",

	// Footer of the tip
	postContainer: "",

	// Max length of the page quote
	maxQuote:      100,

	// How many similar pages to be shown
	maxResults:    5

$( function () {
	if (
		'edit' !== mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) ||
		0 !== mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) ||
		0 !== mw.config.get( 'wgArticleId' )
	) {
	var data = {
		action:  'opensearch',
		search:  mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
		profile: 'normal',
		limit:   window.similarTitlesOpts.maxResults
	mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.api' )
		.done( function () {
			( new mw.Api() ).get( data )
				.done( function ( results ) {
					var s       = results[0];
					var titles  = results[1];
					var quotes  = results[2];
					var urls    = results[3];
					if( titles.length ) {
						$container = $( window.similarTitlesOpts.container );
						$container.append( window.similarTitlesOpts.preContainer );
						for( var i = 0; i < titles.length; i++ ) {
							var title = titles[ i ];
							var quote = quotes[ i ];
							var url   = urls  [ i ];
							$p = $('<p>').append(
								$('<a>').attr( 'href', url )
						        		.text( title )
										.attr( 'target', '_blank' )
							if( quote ) {
								var quoteLimit = window.similarTitlesOpts.maxQuote;
								if( quote.length > quoteLimit ) {
									quote = quote.substring( 0, quoteLimit) + '&hellip;';
								$p.append( ' &ndash; «' + quote + '»' );
							$container.append( $p );
						$container.append( window.similarTitlesOpts.postContainer );
				} )
				.fail( function ( e ) {
					mw.log.error( 'SimilarTitles: errore nella chiamata API: ' + e );
				} );
		} )
		.fail( function () {
			mw.log.error( 'Impossibile avviare l\'accessorio SimilarTitles.' );
		} );
} );