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Daredevil (serie televisiva): differenze tra le versioni

Riga 171: Riga 171:
== Stagione 1 Episodio 9 [[wikipedia:it:Episodi_di_Daredevil_(prima_stagione)#Parli_del_diavolo|Parli del diavolo]], scena del cappuccino ==
== Stagione 1 Episodio 9 [[wikipedia:it:Episodi_di_Daredevil_(prima_stagione)#Parli_del_diavolo|Parli del diavolo]], scena del cappuccino ==

{{citazione|Confessare un peccato non ancora commesso sarà forse un gesto cazzuto, ma non certo allineato con la dottrina. Non ti puoi pentire in anticipo. Anche un cattolico non praticante lo sa, il che significa che Matt non viene a confessarsi in buona fede. Eppure la conversazione che condividerà con Padre Lantom con un cappuccino qualche settimana dopo sarà in buona fede. Lantom knows who Matt is, he respects him, and as the season goes on he doesn’t chastise him for being Daredevil, he just tries to nudge him away from murder. From this point forward we can assume that Lantom is his literal Father Confessor, and that Matt, who takes his Catholicism seriously, is keeping himself as morally upright as possible, and probably giving confessions and receiving communion as regularly as he can. Especially given that any night of Daredeviling could be his last.|Leah Schnelbach, ''[ Daredevil Succeeds When Matt Murdock Gets His Catholic Mojo Back]''|Confessing a sin you haven’t committed yet is bad-ass, yes, but it also isn’t doctrinally sound. You can’t pre-pent. Even a severely lapsed Catholic would know that, which means that Matt has not come to confession in good faith. But the basement latte conversation that he and Father Lantom share a few weeks later is in good faith. Lantom knows who Matt is, he respects him, and as the season goes on he doesn’t chastise him for being Daredevil, he just tries to nudge him away from murder. From this point forward we can assume that Lantom is his literal Father Confessor, and that Matt, who takes his Catholicism seriously, is keeping himself as morally upright as possible, and probably giving confessions and receiving communion as regularly as he can. Especially given that any night of Daredeviling could be his last.|en}}
{{citazione|Confessare un peccato non ancora commesso sarà forse un gesto cazzuto, ma non certo allineato con la dottrina. Non ti puoi pentire in anticipo. Anche un cattolico non praticante lo sa, il che significa che Matt non viene a confessarsi in buona fede. Eppure la conversazione che avrà con Padre Lantom intorno ad un cappuccino qualche settimana dopo avverrà in buona fede. Lantom sa chi è Matt, e ne ha rispetto, e man mano che la stagione avanza Lantom non lo rimprovera per essere Daredevil, semplicemente cerca di allontanarlo dalla via dell'omicidio. Da questo punto in poi possiamo presumere che Lantom è a tutti gli effetti il suo padre confessore, e che Matt, il quale prende sul serio il proprio cattolicesimo, si mantiene il più possibile retto moralmente, e con ogni probabilità si confessa a riceve la comunione con regolarità. Specialmente considerando con una qualsiasi notte del suo fare Daredevil potrebbe essere l'ultima.|Leah Schnelbach, ''[ Daredevil Succeeds When Matt Murdock Gets His Catholic Mojo Back]''|Confessing a sin you haven’t committed yet is bad-ass, yes, but it also isn’t doctrinally sound. You can’t pre-pent. Even a severely lapsed Catholic would know that, which means that Matt has not come to confession in good faith. But the basement latte conversation that he and Father Lantom share a few weeks later is in good faith. Lantom knows who Matt is, he respects him, and as the season goes on he doesn’t chastise him for being Daredevil, he just tries to nudge him away from murder. From this point forward we can assume that Lantom is his literal Father Confessor, and that Matt, who takes his Catholicism seriously, is keeping himself as morally upright as possible, and probably giving confessions and receiving communion as regularly as he can. Especially given that any night of Daredeviling could be his last.|en}}

=== Spezzone di filmato ===
=== Spezzone di filmato ===